Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

Sunday night and Dave's asleep on the couch, his back turned away from the original Star Wars movie blaring away on the TV set.
We had a great weekend with the kids. Did absolutely nothing, but it was great anyhow. Sometimes they're the best, you know?
We did venture out to the hairdresser's on Saturday. Dave got his usual buzz; Sam got the Justin Bieber taken off the sides; I got blonde; and Angus had all his hair buzzed off. All of it! His choice, though. I should have taken a photo and sent it along to Laurita Miller, who raised more than $4,000 to fight cancer in young people by offering to have her head shaved. Well, this coming Saturday is the big day, the day when she gets all her thick, beautiful chestnut hair shaved off. I am definitely looking forward to seeing photos! If you still would like to donate you can go to her Shave for the Brave website or visit her blog, Brain Droppings. Laurita is also changing the name of her blog in the near future. Looking forward to that, also. And I'm JEALOUS that Alan Davidson will be on hand for the big event - I hope you blog about it, Alan! Laurita is one of the sweetest people I've ever met, as well as an incredible writer. Haired or hairless, she will always inspire everyone she meets.
Another note about hair: before I went to get my hair blonded, I asked Dave if I should do it. He was, like, oh yeah, great! Then, after the deed was done he said, "You know me, I always like brunettes best."
The thing about the hair, is, I've got more white hair now than dark hair. It has finally occurred to me that I am not brunette anymore. It's gone. I'm old. If I were to let my hair grow out, it would be mostly white. (It runs in the family - I never knew my father to have anything but silver hair and I found my first grey hair at 17.) So why fight the dark roots that pop up every two weeks? I am so sick of skunk head.
Speaking of skunks, did you know one of the largest ones in the world is in Beiseker, Alberta? It's name is Squirt.

So a couple things going on: my cousin's daughter, Victoria, is still in and out of hospital. She has some fluid on her heart so doctors at Sick Kids are keeping a close eye on her. Poor Mandy and Scott, though, worrying about their precious daughter and having to drive to Toronto so many times, often in bad weather. My thoughts and prayers are with you guys. Take care, ok?
Something else - a few door entries are starting to come in but I would LOVE to see TONS more. Please click on that girly-pink badge on the right and you'll get all the details. But it's easy: send me a photo of your door. That's it.
OH! I ordered a Kindle today! Paid for expedited shipping so hoping it will arrive in the next few days. Mail is SO exciting lately! The other day I picked up a t-shirt and a mug from one of my favourite blogs, Bye, Bye Pie. June Gardens, the blog's earthy and hilarious proprietor, sells some of her blog designs through CafĂ© Press. The mug and t-shirt I got have her blog logo on it. The mug's cool and the t-shirt is incredibly comfy. I was thinking it might be groovy to do something like that. Maybe put my new Life on the Muskoka River header on it. Now, wouldn't everybody just die for one of those? (Maybe my mom - and I could give them out at Christmas.) I also ordered some soap stuff that I read about on Laurita's blog. It's called Tval, it's made in Newfoundland, and the soap looks utterly yummy. And I won a book over at Michael Solender's Notty blog. The mail is so much more fun when it's not all bills - although I probably won't be so excited when the Kindle bill shows up.
Speaking of Kindle, lots of writer buddies are GIVING AWAY, like FREE, their books this week on Smashwords. Laura Eno and Eric J. Krause, among others, are taking part in this March Madness. If you want to sample their wares, for FREE, now's the time. I'm hoping the Kindle comes in time to take advantage of their insanity.
Well, that's it, I guess. Dave has gotten off the couch and sleepwalked into the bedroom. Guess I'll brush my teeth and follow him down the hall.
It's funny how, when you think there's nothing at all to write about, that stuff just flows onto the page.
Have a happy Monday, everyone!


  1. The little skunk up at the top is adorable -- the other one... that's just disturbing. ;)

    I keep meaning to take that picture of my door. I'll try and snap one this week.

  2. As always, a wonderful visit to your blog Cathy, I love your heart and your mind, ok the rest of you is also outstanding, keep well and happy monday!

  3. Jon - it is disturbing, isn't it? Looking forward to your door!
    Kel - You should send me your door, too, lady! Get busy!

  4. Where is this picture of the blonde goddess? *tapping foot* I imagine my gray to be natural streaking. :)
    You're gonna love your Kindle! Thanks for the shout-out!

  5. Never mind...I'm reading your posts backwards. :) Your hair looks great!

  6. Well, you had a busy and exciting weekend. Lots of cool new stuff (hurray for your kindle!) and a new blonde do.

    I'm still looking for a photo of my door. I might have to break down and take a new one, despite the snow.

    I hope Victoria is soon feeling much better. Her poor parents. :(

    Thanks for the kind words. You're so sweet.

  7. That picture of the skunk is so adorable. I live to color my hair but haven't experienced being a skunk yet! That is so typical of men that they tell you what they like after the fact. I'm sure it looks GREAT! He'll get used to it!


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