Monday, November 19, 2012

What goes up ....

I'm king of the castle! And you're all dirty rascals!
Yup, it's really cool being on top of the waterhouse.
I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how to get on top of this thing
and now here I am. Life is good.

Here I am. Huh. Still up here. It's kinda boring up here.
View isn't as good as I thought. And how the heck am I gonna get down?
I need help. Hey! Quit laughing at me! Somebody hellllllp.

"Just trust me," Dave says. It's not his butt up here.
I hope there's no dog poo on the bottom of my shoes...

... if there is, now it's all over my jacket. 

Do I look stupid? Because I feel stupid.
Nope, this isn't humiliating at all. Not if you're six.
Unfortunately I'm 12. 

Stop taking pictures of my butt!

Whew! Safe at last. 

Now I gotta find the camera and destroy the evidence
before Mom posts this on the internet.


  1. I bet he's so grateful for a mom like you!

    1. He loves me ... then again, he loves me not... but mostly it's close to Christmas so he puts up with me!

  2. Watch watch out, Cathy - when he grows up & you're in your dotage he'll have some say over which nursing home to stick you in! (That was the threat my son used if I ever embarrassed him!)

    1. I've already told him he's changing my diapers... which freaks him out to no end. Especially since I'm an "old" mom, that dotage is closer than he realizes! Muahahahahahaha!

  3. Ah yes, another post to show the prom date and/or future wife. lmao But, what's a 'waterhouse'?

    1. Our log cabin doesn't have a basement so the water lines from the well come up on the outside of the building. To make sure they don't freeze, Dave built an insulated and heated "waterhouse" around them! Isn't he a talent?

      I'm not sure what the official name for it is, but we always call it the waterhouse!

  4. Haha I saw the picture and had horrible thoughts he was on an outhouse!!

  5. Thanks so much for putting a smile on my face this morning. This was so sweet, and what great pictures/brilliant captions Cath!

  6. That's awesome. I remember those days. Except I was 6. Well, 4. Still...

    1. C'mon, Andrew, tell the truth - it was yesterday !!!!!!! :)

  7. Hi Cathy! New follower here... Came by to say thanks for signing up for the Cheers, Cavanaugh Blogfest! I'm so glad you're participating! And so glad to be connected now. You have a fabulous blog. :D

    1. Why, hello there Morgan! Thanks for dropping by! Ya gotta love anything Cavanaugh! I'll be sure to drop by and say howdy at your house, too!

  8. Replies
    1. :) I know... hasn't every kid climbed something they were afraid to climb down?

  9. My kids would totally do that.

    And have. :)

    1. I know! It's the universal cat-in-a-tree-call-the-fire-department scenario!!!

  10. Is that YOUR house? It's fantastic; those corner dovetail joints are superb. I'm jealous.

    1. That's so nice, Cro, thanks! Yes, it is our house! Built in 1880, which may not sound old in Europe, but it is one of the oldest structures in Muskoka, where I live (wasn't settled by the dreaded white men until mid to late 1800s). And no doubt built by trappers or loggers with trees on the property.

  11. Poor Sam! Lmfeckingao!!! Dave to the rescue! Great pics! Thoroughly enjoyed it! Poor Sam!

  12. No chance to destroy the evidence! Poor Sam!


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