Don't you just love those cute yellow minion dudes? In case you've been living under a rock, they're the adorable little worker-bees in overalls featured in the movies Despicable Me 1 and 2.
Well guess what? I'm a minion! One of Alex J. Cavanaugh's minions, to be exact, for the A to Z Challenge WHICH STARTS TOMORROW! (Can't believe that... What happened to March? What happened to 2013? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE '80S??????)
My job as minion is basically dropping by a certain number of A to Z blogs to make sure they're participating and then let Alex know, and if they have any adult content or weirdness that folks might want to know about. I'm actually worried I might be considered adult content because, you know, I might occasionally say feck. I mean, it's been known to happen ...
I've been dropping around some of the folks on my list and I'm happy to say most are pumped and ready for the challenge. Most even have their posts already written. (Keeners.) Me? I'm not even sure what my theme is going to be. A to Z has always been a pantser proposition so I'll likely just stick to Cathy's ramblings from A to Z. Yesterday it occurred to me to do cuss words from A to Z and, just off the top of my head I got all the way to the letter i without missing a beat. But I think I'll save that for another day – I'm always giving my kids crap for swearing so it wouldn't look good if I gave them an A to Z reference library for cussin'.
So I'm really looking forward to A to Z - hoping to see you around on my journeys. Hoping you meet lots of new friends and get lots of new followers. It's a happy time in blogland and I sincerely hope you make the most of it! oxox