Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just wondering

I always cry on my birthday.
Do you?


  1. Nope..never. Why do you, do you suppose? Happy Birthday by the way!!! May the cake you eat not stick to your hips.

  2. Nope! Dec 26 is always a happy day! My mom put me up for adoption and I was chosen by an amazing family!

  3. Yes... when I have to pay for my new plate sticker and any outstanding fines.
    Happy Birthday Cathy and I hope this is your best year yet!

  4. Probably. Hugs and love to you Cathy.

  5. Not yet! But I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Happy day to you!

  6. Not usually, but will on my next (I turn 50).

    You, have a happy, happy birthday. Enjoy every day. I'm so glad you were born. Peace...

  7. Birthdays are a day for celebrating and eating cake and drinking too much! Happy Birthday.

  8. I prefer mine to pass by unnoticed. Just another day...as a matter of fact, it was just a couple of weeks ago. The only card I got was from my employer. The boy forgot.

  9. No, I just drink lots of wine and eat lots of cake. That makes everything happy. Hope you had a good day. XOXO

  10. Heavens! No. I love my birthday. I think of it as another life achievement!! Yeah! Another year.

  11. Hope it was a Happy Birthday.
    Maybe your tears are tears of gratitude? I don't cry on my birthday because it it a wonderful reason to celebrate. YES! Made it through another year and I am STILL here! have lost friends and family too young and each birthday is a reminder that I am lucky enough to have one:)Hope you have a TERRIFIC year!


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