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Our snowy subdivision this morning. |
Hang on a sec. I need more coffee for this post.
I've been so busy this last little while. Busy and depressed and hyper-excited and... did I mentioned depressed? Yah, it happens. Depression hits at the oddest times and for the oddest reasons, but the reason I'm feeling down in the dumps is I'm questioning Nanowrimo and my ability to get it done. Can I whine for a sec? IT'S SO BLOODY HARD. I don't mind writing when I'm in the thick of it, the "zone" as Stephen King describes it and I LOVE writing when it's fecking DONE. That's my favourite writing, the done stuff. I don't mind writing short stories, I enjoy blogging, but sitting down to an entire novel just hurts my lazy-assed head. It literally scares the shite out of me. See? There it is on the floor. A big pile of steaming shite. (Oh wait, sorry, that's cat puke.) There. I'm done whining. I'm behind, yes, but I'm not giving up. In fact, I had a satisfactory session this morning and plan to knock off another 1,000 words this afternoon.
Did you know it's snowing here? Like fecking Christmas, it is. I hate mentioning the weather here in Cold Lake, Alberta, because my Mom is coming to visit us in December and she's freaking out about the cold. Note to self: call her and tell her we paid our gas bill so she doesn't need her parka.
I saw on Facebook this morning that Alberta music icon Jann Arden was working on her novel AT THE SAME TIME AS ME. So I sent her a message, saying we're sameys (which means "stalker," no doubt) and then I had the audacity to send her a link to my free book! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I crack myself up, I do.
So today is FREE BOOK DAY! Starting today, and for the four days after, I'm giving away Friday Girls on Amazon. I'm really trying to get it on Amazon's Top 100 Free Books list. Why? Here's my evil strategy:
- Being on the list attracts attention from PEOPLE I DON'T EVEN KNOW so I can stop annoying my friends. With me so far? I thought you'd like that part... Getting noticed is the hardest part of being an indie writer. Right now poor Weezie is buried under hundreds of thousands of books. Nobody would notice her if they fell over her, and if they don't notice a book, it doesn't matter if it's the next 50 Shades of Purple, nobody will buy it and Weezie will die. *sob* (She told me she wants lots of crustless sandwiches and good church coffee at her wake.)
- People who read my free book will be so enamoured of my mad writing skillz that they will seek out other books by the same author and they will buy Green Eggs & Weezie, by the thousands, and I will be rich and famous and be able to afford to order pizza three nights a week.
That's my whole plan. I know. You're thinking genius, right?
So please. Go download my book. You don't need a Kindle. You don't need a credit card. You just need a computer to download the thing. I don't even care if you read it. Oh wait. That's a lie. But I'll start with you downloading it and then I'll pester you for more ... (evil plan part deux).
Here's the links:
In the U.S., go to Amazon.com.
In Canada, go to Amazon.ca.
In the U.K., go to Amazon.co.uk.
I wonder if Jann Arden downloaded my book yet?
More about the book. Sorry. I know. You want to punch me in the face right about now. I'd like to thank the following bloggers for mentioning Friday Girls. If you've got time, drop by and say howdy!
William Kendall says he's something of a rogue and a scoundrel but he's always been super nice to me. Plus he really loves cat photos. How bad can he possibly be?
Kristy, over at Ramblings of a Mad Woman, shoots straight from the hip. That's why I love her. I also love her because she says she loves my writing. You know, which never hurts, right?
Sue Harding over at I Refuse To Go Quietly, is a wonderful gal. We have a lot in common, we absolutely do – like we're old and we hate writing sometimes. Only she knits and I have no idea what a freaking purl is. I tried to be witty over on her post. You can be the judge on whether or not I succeeded.
Alex J. Cavanaugh is probably known to most of you – and to most of the planet! He's the bestselling author of three space/science fiction novels and he's probably got the most popular blog on the whole wide web. Lucky me, everyone's favourite ninja gave me a shout-out.
If I've missed anybody, please let me know. And if anyone else wants to post a link, I will be your BFF forever. Y'know, or for a day or two. Depends how much coffee you have ...
Maybe Jann Arden will want to be my new BFF now. Wouldn't that be great? She lives just down the road from me. We could eat nibs together. And walk our dogs. And wear each other's clothes...
Today is the Oh, How I Miss You Blogfest in which participants, like me, list the bloggers I miss and list the bloggers I would miss, were they to drop off the face of the planet or be eaten by maggots or accidentally fall in their chipper shredder.
The way things are going in blogland, my list of absentee bloggers could be really long. But I'm going to limit it to three:
Alan W. Davidson
Alan, I miss you... you and your Newfoundland shenanigans and your gentle nature and that fecking ridiculous red fez you sometimes wore. I miss you so much I even miss that stupid fez. I met Alan through #FridayFlash and was wowed by his storytelling skills. He wrote a story about a dog in a Walmart parking lot that I still think about, years later. Please come back to the bloggy world, Alan. It's not the same without you, bud.
Laurita Miller
This seems to be a theme. Laurita – dear, sweet Laurita – has the classiest blog I've ever seen. Calling Shotgun combined her thoughtful, wonderful writing and beautiful photographs. She told stories about The Rock that inspired me so much I just had to visit. And meeting Alan and Laurita was one of the highlights of my entire life. Unfortunately I can't provide a link to Laurita's blog because it's open to invited readers only. But trust me, it was wonderful.
CJ Hodges MacFarlane
CJ introduced me to #FridayFlash, which literally changed my life. For a while there we were hot and heavy, writing back and forth, talking on the phone but, unfortunately, life got in the way and we drifted apart. She doesn't blog anymore either, and that is just a crying shame. I loved her spark, loved her talent, loved her whole big generous personality and I miss her like crazy.
Honestly, I don't want to list bloggers I would miss. Because I would miss all of you. And that's the truth. Y'all make the world a better place and I may not get around to you all the time, because I'm a selfish idiot, but when I do I'm always impressed with what you've done with the place. Keep on keeping on, because you're special, and if you were to stop writing, I would miss you. oxo
To see other bloggers taking part in the blog hop, visit Alex's blog. He's got the list!
Jann Arden hasn't called yet. Damn!
Today is also my friend Mark's birthday. Happy birthday, ya old fart! (He's the same age as me. I'm allowed to say that.)
And one more thing... are ya still there? WAKE UP!!! Geez Louise...
Fellow #FridayFlash writer Janel Gradowski released her second book in The Bartonville Series this week. The Queen of Bad Decisions follows up on Must Love Sandwiches. These books are well-written, smart, funny and FAST. Janel's idea is to give busy people enough of a taste to curb their reading appetite, so each book in the series includes a novelette, two short stories and a few recipes.
The characters in her books all live in an artist's colony and, because Janel's a foodie, she always makes food as important as her lively characters. Happy launch, Janel! I hope you sell books like hotcakes!
Oh wait! Come back! I lied – I do have one more thing. Recently I won some bling from CBC's Canada Reads promotion and yesterday it arrived! Check out that awesome book bag and three books from Canadian writers. Jealous? You oughta be! Now go download my free book. Go on! Git!
1. Congrats on your book launch! May you get a bazillion downloads so that everyone knows what a fantastic writer you are AND so Weezie gets more well-deserved attention.
ReplyDelete2. If I were a Twitterer (Tweeter? Twit?) I'd tweet Jann Arden and tell her that not only should she get herself a copy of your book, but she should urge all her fans to do the same.
3. Re your NaNo angst: Remember that even if you don't "win," you'll have way more words than you had starting out. Remember that you felt pretty horrible when you started Weezie, and look how well she turned out. And remember that you can definitely write a novel, no matter how hard it seems.
xox P.
I love you Paula-girl. I really do.
DeleteYes, I know I can do it... I just like to whine sometimes... OK, a lot of times... :)
Thanks for the 'shout out' kind Cathy. Yeah, the blog is sporting a think layer of dust and reeks of neglect. I may have lost the motivation to write, but I still enjoy stalking a few of my old writing friends!
ReplyDeleteCograts, again, on 'Green Eggs & Weezie'...we've got our copy on the Kindle but I have still got to get to reading it (in the queue behind a few others). Don't fret about the Nano business. I know that when you back is against the wall that final week you'll produce the goods!
Your pal on The Rock,
Alan D. Lazy
It is SO GOOD to see you here, you wouldn't even believe it! I'm glad to hear you're still skulking around the bushes but I really miss your wonderful blog. Say hi to the family for me! ox
DeleteCongratulations on the win!
ReplyDeleteHappy to plug your free book today. If you like, I can send the clones from blog to blog insisting each blogger downloads your book.
And I envy your snow!!!!!
SEND IN THE CLONES!!!!! (I love that!!!)
DeleteI'm not familiar with some of the bloggers you mentioned.
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping you manage to keep up the pace on NaNo. Make sure you send out some tweets on your book. Tweeting this. Will go over and check it out.
Thanks so much, Joy!!
DeleteMore blogs I never heard of! What the heck?!
ReplyDeleteAnd I did pick up your book.
Thank you Andrew! Tell your friends! It's FREE, baby!
DeleteGee for a second there I thought that David Gilmour book was by the dude from Pink Floyd. lol Sorry you've been dealing w/ some depression issues. It could be the increased darkness now, esp. as far north as you are. You might want to get a sunlamp or something for the house.
ReplyDeleteOr a bottle of vodka.
DeleteNah, David Gilmour is, I think, a columnist for the Toronto Star. Or something like that. He's some dude whose name I know from some thing or what-not. Basically I have no idea. But there's his book, sitting in my living room. WTF, eh?
Just got that new book of yours on Kindle and am just itching to settle down for a good read. Hey.....aren't you supposed to be writing? Sorry you are temporarily 'down in the dumps'..(what an expression)..I'm no expert but I've heard chocolate helps lol.
ReplyDeleteChocolate helps everything... as does barbecue flavour potato chips. Hey! Thanks for the shout-out on your blog! I was just over there a while ago and saw your surprise! Thanks, Delores!
DeleteI'm right here, lady, and I just dl'd Friday Girls. You *amaze* me. I'm on G+ :)
ReplyDeleteCJ!!!!!!!! CJ's in da house! Hey girly-girl, thanks for dropping by! How you doing?? Great to see you!
DeleteCongratulations on the book. I should check it out. I love short stories.
ReplyDeleteYou should Vanessa! Because it's FREEEEEEEEEE! (I never get tired of that. lol)
DeleteYou wrote your way through this beautifully. But lets go back to the beginning--I need more coffee just to look at the snow.
ReplyDeleteYes m'am; will download now!
Tell me about it. There is not enough coffee in the world for that snow. But I love it. It's so pretty. I feel sorry for people in the world who don't get snow. Wouldn't life be boring?
DeleteCongratulations to you. I like short stories cause I trust my memory with them.
ReplyDeleteHeheheh - I hear ya, Munir. I can't trust mine either.
DeleteJust the sight of snow depresses me! But that's because I'm a California girl at heart and love the sunshine. A nice steaming hot cup of coffee, however, goes a long way to help. I think it's awesome you sent the link to your book to Arden- and she should be so lucky to become your new BFF! Keep on writing Cathy, you've got this!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm trying, Jaybird, I am trying! (Love that you're a California girl at heart... now I've got Beach Boys earworms in my noodle.)
DeleteAny urge to punch you in the face has been mitigated by you reminding me how long it has been since I listened to any Jann Arden music. I love her! Punching you would be... insensitive [inside joke ;-) ]
ReplyDeleteAlso, holy cow that looks like a lot of snow!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is, seriously, a hilarious comment.
DeleteDid I know you love Jann Arden? Most folks in the U.S. have never heard of her. I love that you love her! (And yeah, I get yer joke)
It makes me happy to spread around laughter.
DeleteI don't remember whether we ever talked about Jann Arden before. I haven't posted about her on my blog since early 2009 which was before we met. Maybe we should both do a music post!
Woo Hoo. What a post. And I have downloaded your book. Where it will sit making me feel guilty for a little while yet. So many unread treats. How I suffer (not). And yes, I will review it and Weezie when I can - on my blog and on Amazon.
I know. Sorry, EC, it was a long one. You're very brave for mucking your way through it. Even I needed a coffee refill halfway through! ox
DeleteAs always another entertaining post Cathy - thanks for the smile this morning, I needed one ;)
ReplyDeleteWhy, anytime, Mizz Helen! Great #Fridayflash this week, by the way. I highly recommend it!
DeleteThanks Cathy, nice of you to say so. ^__^
DeleteWe are getiing our first more than flakes dose of snow today.
DeleteNaNo writers always astound me that they can keep up.
Ah, snow…so pretty in the picture. :)
ReplyDeleteI've already got Friday Girls AND Weezie on my iPad. Now it's just a question of when I'll get to read them because NaNo is kicking my butt, too. But we'll do it, Cathy! I know we will. :)
Love you
ReplyDeleteThat was a jam-packed post that I came late to. Snow always looks nice in pictures or if you're looking out the window at it. Well, since I don't see it that much it looks nice to me.
Tossing It Out
Oh how I love snow. It melts my heart and brings out my inner-child :)