Tuesday, April 29, 2014

X is for X-Nay on the Ost-Nay

Oh feck it. After three entire minutes of deliberation, I am calling uncle. I can not think of a single bloody interesting thing that starts with the letter x. I mean, I could come up with some completely boring shite that starts with x, but it would only be so I could say I completed the entire A to Z Challenge. So I might as well just say I have no x, which still qualifies as an x post. Right? See how that works? Are you following me? Is there more coffee required?

Since this is a space filler, you are under no obligation to comment. I am hoping the Y post is more interesting, but no promises.


  1. Wouldn't it be X-Nay on the Ost-Pay? lol X is impossible for this challenge.

  2. It is a hard one but you covered nicely.

  3. I was vexed with the letter X as well. I had to s-t-r-e-t-c-h mine. You did a good job of making something out of nothing for your X!

  4. Wait! We were supposed to make these things interesting?!?!?!?

  5. Did I ever tell you about my daughter's friend, Xan. Met at a campground in the deep south when they were about seven, and remained pen pals for years. I could never forget her if I wished. He name will never leave me. It was X-an. Say it. Two syllables. I can only think her mother loved Green mythology, but never met anyone who explained the pronunciation. You can have her, for a do-over, if you wish. Or, next year.

  6. An eXcellent take on a difficult letter.

  7. Had I been doing this, I would have had to go with the dangerous thighs of Xenia Onatopp as a topic.

  8. I have two Xes, one named K.... and one named L.... and I'm happy to be rid of both of them.

  9. It is an xtreemly difficult letter to get excited about; but be that as it may: you have completed X
    the Ol'Buzzard


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